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Step Aside, Monoliths: Meet the Composable Enterprise


A composable enterprise, defined by Gartner as “an organization that delivers business outcomes and adapts to the pace of business change”, relies on the assembly of interchangeable application building blocks. This architectural overhaul has largely been driven by a demand for more configurable application experiences, and the need to evolve existing application portfolios that are often too risky and costly to replace.
New business opportunities require agility from application portfolios; however, many enterprises are still limited in their ability to adapt. Why? They rely on monolithic ERP systems and cumbersome legacy applications with static processes and haphazard structures. A modular setup can enable a business to rearrange as required depending on external or internal factors, such as shifts in consumer attitudes or sudden supply chain disruptions. Organizations are experiencing these shifts now and require a new approach to enterprise applications to be able to adapt. 

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